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Feeding the Sealife




Kenju's peaceful meal at Treasure Burger is interrupted when he gets the attention of a certain Orca-girl, one who sets her eyes on his meal...

Will he fight? Or will he forfeit his burger combo meal?

And in the end.

Willst thou soar?

Or willst thou suck?
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© 2011 - 2024 Kenj
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Thus Kenj forgot the one key rule of dining near the deep blue sea..... NEVER EAT MEAT NEAR THE OCEAN!!! Lest ye attract somethin' with a strong hunger. Oh and one more thing...


He set himself at the table on the pier on this sunny day on the seaside, setting his precariously balanced platter on the table then sat down. Gulls cawed as they soared overhead looking for a fish dinner. He thanked the heavens that none would disturb him while he dined. Under the pier, he could feel the waves rolling through the wooden legs and the breeze as it gently caressed his face, playing with his bright red bangs. He rubbed his hands eagerly as he eyed the array of food in front of him. A big burger, one that looked like it could fill his stomach all by itself. Flanking the giant's left was an equally big drink in a plastic cup with a straw sticking out from the beverage within. Flanking the burger's right was a carton of fries each about as long as his fingers and cooked crispy. 

He sat, and after uttering a quick prayer, reached for the burger ready to scarf down the biggest part of the meal. The scent of the giant sandwich was pushed into his nostrils by the wind and his mouth dripped with saliva, it's first taste mere seconds away.

Below the restaurant, in the darker depths of the ocean, fish swam with the current occasionally opening their mouths as something tasty passed in front them. Corals stood like castles with schools of colorful fish swarming around them. Around them, larger creatures, rays, sharks, whales and other undersea wonders glided effortlessly through the water. In one part of this deep kingdom shadowed by an overhanging rock. A pair of navy blue eyes peered out at the sea life all around them, watching with intent and following their movements. Squeezing together in glee, the twin blue orbs darted to and fro following the motions of the ocean's denizens. But the wonder was interrupted when a deep roar sounded from within the shadows where the eyes laid. Glancing down, the eyes owner knew what the rumbling meant: Lunchtime!!! Shadows shifted as a huge but curvy form wiggled out of the confines of her cover. The fish around her scattered, but she couldn't care about that right now, food was what mattered. 

"Wait a minute!" She thought as her nose caught a whiff of a delectable scent that floated to her. Underwater smells like this were unheard of, or unscented of but while she hadn't smelt anything like it for a long time, she knew what it was.

"FOOOOOOOOOODDD!!!!" She roared her animalistic instincts rising to the surface of her mind and like a bullet, she shot out of the deep headed for the surface locked on to the mouth-watering smell the whole way. Her mouth curled into a devilish grin as the smell whetted her monstrous appetite. 


"Nomph!" Kenj had just bitten down on the burger and it made him shiver in delight. The taste was as good as the smell when he got it from the counter. Everything was still hot and fresh and everything on it was as he had ordered. It was perfect. Plus the warm day had made the taste even more enjoyable. 

"Mmmmmmm." He purred sitting back in his seat as he chewed. "This is the best."

He lifted the burger to his mouth to get another bite. But as the burger was about to touch his lips a monstrous splash erupted behind him and water rained down on the alarmed young man. 

"I SMELL MEAT!!" A voice boomed behind him. Kenj was too stunned to turn around and see what was going on. Not to mention the shock nearly made him choke. Whoever or whatever was behind couldn't have been good. But with the signals of fight and flight warring in his mind, he soon noted his area getting dark and turning around nearly made him fall out of his chair. Looming over him was a woman the likes of he'd never seen before much less had even known existed. And the grin she was sending his way chased away any feeling of contentment he'd basked in before.

Standing, or floating, out the water was a titanic young woman wearing a black and white bathing suit. A wide white strip goes down her front and between her legs separating two black parts on the suits sides.  Her eyes, a deep navy blue, peering at him, filled with an almost manic hunger. Her short pitch black hair shades part of her face giving her eyes an almost unnatural glow. Her enormous chest heaves with every breath she takes covering half her face with each rise and almost looking ready to burst out of the suit if not for the two openings exposing some of her chest. It would be arousing if he weren't so terrified at the moment. Her mouth is filled with triangular, serrated teeth, each sharper than any sword and quite capable of cleaving him in two. Her massive hands lay on the pier and have rent the railing in half and their weight is bending the boardwalk itself. He can hear the floor creaking under him and he's worried it will collapse if she presses any harder. Her figure his very well built and curvy a figure many women would kill for but it seems that this giantess has topped them all.

She glares down at him, saliva running down from her mouth joining the rivulets of water cascading down her body. He should have run like the wind by now but the spectacle has rooted him to the spot it seems and as his brain starts to function normally it tries to press his legs into motion but the command is blocked and his legs refuse to work. He's too busy staring at the giantess behind him.

The woman looks down on him with only the thought of feeding filling her mind any other whim is pushed aside until her hunger is satiated. While her nose is locked firmly on this delicious aroma her eyes flitter looking for the source. She finds it, in the man's hands is the point where the smell is coming from and this raises her hunger ever higher her hands immediately reach for the little morsel. Her stomach is filling with digestive fluid readying itself for its first meal in several hours.

The man, thinking she's reaching for him, finally obeys the impulses coming from his brain and bolts. Scrambling out of his chair he stumbles then sprints down the pier still carrying his burger. The giantess pursues in earnest eager to get her hands on a decent meal. 

Kenj flies down the pier glancing back behind him to see his pursuer or rather her fin, something he hadn't noticed before, charging down the pier after him tearing through the middle of the pier. This prompts him to push his legs even harder even as his body is running out of steam. The massive fin gaining fast, he pours on still more energy but finds his body is running on empty. Worse he's running out of room to run. The end of the pier is rapidly approaching and he facepalms realizing that instead of heading for the beach he simply ran and headed towards the end of the pier over the ocean.  He makes a mental note to punch himself later. But right now, he's out of pier and whips around ready for the big finned girl to emerge and eat him. But to his surprise, the fin is nowhere in sight. The trail it left behind ends about five yards in front of him. Where did it go?  He didn't hear it leave or feel anything letting him know it had gone. How could anything that size vanish without him noticing?  Maybe it-


He suddenly finds himself flying, parts of the pier rise into the air along with him as he slowly spins the beach and the ocean hundreds of feet below and to his horror, an open maw, lined with teeth, waits for him wide open and ready to swallow him. For a moment everything slows to a crawl, the debris from the pier and his body seemingly floating and his burger still intact hasn't lost even a slice of meat or a drop of ketchup despite being launched into the air along with him. His hair sways lazily in the air currents as he rises then begins to slow. Then gravity reasserts its rule and he starts to plummet heading straight for the rippling tongue and the dark throat beyond. 

"Well." He laments. "At least someone is going to get a meal out of this." Seconds later he drops into the open mouth and feels his body being squished on all sides as his world descends into darkness.

He stirs, his mind hazy as his senses begin to return. He feels first something warm and dry beneath him and something equally warm and dry on top of him. Plus his head is surrounded by something soft. Next, his ears, they hear a humming noise nearby, a steady drone that almost lulls him back into unconsciousness. His nose registers a clean scent wafting through the air but with the sea's distinct damp saltiness mixed in. Finally his eyes, first showing him only darkness open up to the light. 

Once his eyes adjust he sees pitch black all around him but thanks to his other senses he can tell he is lying in a bed. He's in a room in some kind of building, but where and how long was he out? Well, the only thing he can do now is asking whoever is here and hope to get some answers. Swinging his feet over the edge of the bed he goes to the door but fumbles and ends up stubbing his toe on a desk support. Muttering a few curses he finds the door and steps into the hallway struck by how large it is and at the same time so short. The room he stepped out of is only one of a handful in this hall, there are only two doors on his side of the hall and four others on the opposite side.  None of them are lit and as far as he can tell they're locked. Not that it matters to him he just wants to find some answers. Choosing to go right, he walks down the hallway concentrating on finding someone who can answer his questions. Ahead of him, the hall opens up to a wider area and as he speeds up his pace he sees that the sky outside is dark and pinpricked by thousands of stars. The sight takes his breath away as does the sight of the sea glowing as waves crash onto the beach. It also gives him a hint on how long he's been out but he still has no clue of where he is. 

Right now, he's just wishing for a map so he can find his way around this place. He refuses to give up until he finds someone.

1 hour. later...

"Ugh, I 've been walking around here forever and I still haven't found anyone." Kenj grumbled. By now he's felt like he's walked around half the building and all he's found are locked doors, dark halls, and more doors, the building is practically a maze. He feels like yelling out for an answer will get him somewhere but so far he's resisted the notion. It seems a more tempting option now. As he rounds a corner going down yet another hallway Kenj decides to hold off on the yelling part until he's done searching this hallway though he's not confident of finding anyone. This hall is different from the others there is one door (locked like so many others) that leads to an enormous aquarium and another that is to his pleasant surprise is open with a pale blue light coming from inside. He steps up to it preparing to knock but stops when he hears a tearful sniffle coming from inside and the sound of a television. Peeking in through the crack in the doorway he sees a young woman wearing a white lab coat sitting on a large bed facing a tv that is showing a random broadcast. 

He wants to speak up but can't come up with any words...
To Be continued... Will return later to finish.